Titanium Service Plan

Our premium plan offers you superior roof coverage unmatched by any other competitor. This service plan not only covers dry rot and hail damage while protecting against common problems like blow offs and edge splits, but it also includes coverage for roof decking and roof component replacement. More importantly, the Platinum Plan provides 'no questions asked' coverage for inadvertent man-made damage to the roof, such as backing into tree limbs. With our service center partnerships throughout the country, we will help locate the best center for you, negotiate any repairs, and pay the labor required to fix the issue - all for only $49.99 per month.

Read our Titanium Plan service contract for more details.


  • Membrane (45-mil industry premium or reimbursement for estimated cost)
  • Adhesives
  • Sealant
  • Butyl tape
  • Labor costs (up to 1 hour per lineal foot of coach)

Deductible: $100

Program Cost: $49.99/mo

For more details and exclusions, see the Titanium Service Plan Detail and Exclusions (PDF).

As an added bonus, you'll receive free shipping on all store purchases.

To apply, simply follow this link to securely fill out the form.

Service Contract Application

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